Chetan Kasireddy

Master's Student at SUNY - Stony Brook

I am a computer science enthusiast. I am currently pursuing my Masters in Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I completed my Bachelors in Technology in Computer Science from International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad. I’m a self-motivated person, with a keen interest in learning new things and updating my skills. I have 2 years experience in Practo technologies Private Limited. I was part of Hospital Management System Bussiness unit which maintains the most important modules of Registration, billing and Order. I was part of revamping the module to make a better performant system.

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April 2018 - July 2018

Senior Software Engineer

Practo Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Developed a Complex Ordering module for Hospital Management System. Migrated entire module from struts to spring with some additional features. Developed part of front-end using react. Written unit tests for application using Mockito for better code stability. Mentoring software developers who are working under me.

July 2016 - March 2018

Software Engineer

Practo Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Developed Registration module for Hospital Management System. Remodeled one of the core module (Registration) in the entire application. Written unit tests for application using Mockito for better code stability. Improved the response time by 200% by optimizing DB queries and the API's.

August 2015 - December 2015

Head Teaching Assistant

IIIT - Hyderabad

For the course Principles of Programming Language

May 2014 - January 2015

Research Assistant

IIIT - Hyderabad

Worked as research assistant in Building science research Lab.(BSRC) Buit a tool to find the surrogate city.

May 2015 - July 2015

Software Engineer Intern

Practo Technologies Pvt Ltd

Developed Access-gateway, a web application which helps in automating the request of access to git-hub repositories, atlassian, Google Analytics. Developed a visualisation tool which visualizes the time taken to deploy the production code in each and everystep. Developed Hire-ninja a web application to help the HR's to keep track of the recruitment.

August 2014 - December 2014

Teaching Assistant

IIIT - Hyderabad

Teaching assistant for the course Computer Programming. Duties included conducting labs, grading papers, evaluating programming assignments.

My Skill

Programming Languages







Scripting Languages
























2018 - 2020


Stony Brook University

Major in Computer Information Science

2012 - 2016


International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad

Major in Computer Science
Cumulative GPA: 8.21/10

2010 - 2012

Senior Secondary

Vijaya Ratna Junior College

Percentage: 94.5%


Secondary School

Sanghamitra School

Cumulative GPA: 9.6/10


Wikipedia Search Engine

Implemented an efficient search engine (Python) on 46Gb Wikipedia data. Built Tertiary Indexing, returning 50 queries per second. TF/IDF ranking was used.

Mini SQL Engine

Built a primitive DBMS which can parse, optimize and execute SQL queries (in C++). Performed various optimizations such as LRU caching, Paging and Indexing.

Backgammon game

Implemented a simple backgammon game which takes an input board configuration and outputs a better move. Various strategies were implemented using expectimax trees and some heuristics.

Predicting the Outcome of ODI Cricket Matches

Used Supervised learning approach from a team composition perspective. Individual players strength to model the team strength which is the base of the approach.

Face Recognition

Developed face recognition tool using the Principal Component Analysis for training data and calculating the Eigen faces and then using classifying the test data.

Unix Shell

Implemented a bash like shell in C, with I/O redirection, background process man- agement and signal handling.


Document Summarizer is all about summarizing the given document and then checking the relevance of each word with respect to the dataset or references, given that whether the results obtained are relevant to the specific domain and to which extent they are related to that domain.

Surrogate city finder - Weather data tool

Goal of the project is to find a best suitable weather data file for a city from available weather based files based on latitude, longitude, altitude etc. Includes Data extraction from Wikipedia, Filtering Available weather files.The technical skills used are Ajax, Google Map API, Google Elevation API, JavaScript, python, PHP, My Sql.

Compiler for Decaf Language

The Project involves design and successful implementation of a compiler for the Decaf Programming Language using Java and Eclipse IDE i.e implementation of all the phases-Lexical Analysis Phase,Syntactic Analysis Phase,Symantic Analysis Phase,Code Generation & Register Allocation Phase.

Contact Us

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You can contact me on phone or email.


700 Health Science Dr, F2094 Chapin, MB# 680, Stony Brook, NY, USA, 11790


+1 (609) 325 1063

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